I'm from Austin, Texas. I started school here back in summer of 2002. I only recently decided on a major to declare. I am truely interested and hope to be able to push for the best. I've tought primary children for church from time to time and I just love the way they see the world. It seems like i learn something from them every time I go to teach them a lesson. You can truely feel how these kids become attatched to you and therein lies the trust.
I really enjoy reading books. However, I'm not a fast reader.
Harry Potter is on the top of my book list. I can't wait for the last book.
There are 5 people in my family, including me. My parents, 1 sister, and 1 brother. All of which have/are attending BYU except my brother who's at BYU Idaho working.
I love animals. Fish have become my speciality. I'm even learning to create aquariums that incorporate live plants with fish. A challenge to try something new, but i enjoy that.
My favorite pet that I've had was a fish. That sounds wierd, but he was a Pacu fish. If you aren't familiar with this species, they get extremely large and are closely related to pirahnas. He had great personality, loved veggies, and was always excited to see people enter the room. Sadly he died earlier this year after a good 2+ yrs.
I'll post some more 'bout me later.